
Violas are an early, profuse blooming plant that thrive in cool and moist weather. They bloom early from spring to late summer. They are small plants but produce a lot of fragrant blooms and come in a variety of colors. They are very easy to take care of and are perfect bedding plants and do well in containers as well.

Plant viola in moist, well-draining soil that gets full to partial sun. In areas where it is very warm plant in partial sun.

Very easy to care for so try to avoid over-watering and over-feeding. Viola likes the soil moist but not wet. In periods of extremely hot and dry weather water once or twice a week.

Available In the following colors:

Baby Face, Black, Etain, Jumpup Orange, Jumpup White, Jumpup Yellow, Mix, Orange, Rad Pink, Rad Red, Starry Nite